Happy Mother's Day
Last year we were working on a project for Mother's Day. I thought I would repost the photos for that project as it still inspires me. It was easy, fun and just keeps on giving, the sedums have re-bloomed and spread after winters hibernation still in their original pots and used as centrepieces on the outdoor tables and I transplanted the hydrangea bulbs into the garden, they are blooming as I write.

The porosity of clay pots allows for air and moisture to penetrate the sides of the pot. Clay pots also act as a wick to absorb excess moisture, not to mention that they look so much nicer than plastic. We potted the hydrangea in the middle for height and the miniature sedums as surrounding foliage. Use nice fresh potting soil, you can buy the mini sedums and single hydrangeas from any garden centre, use a bit of moss to cover the soil, just tuck under the sedums this will keep them cool and retain moisture, plus they look great.

On one of my trips to the Aberfoyle Antique Market I found these great wire baskets, perfect for a larger display of bulbs and sedums. The moss acts as a liner as well as retaining moisture. Make sure to stay on top of your watering when you are using moss as a surround, it will dry out a little faster than pots,

Be sure to take a break when working on projects... helps with creativity and inspiration :)This picnic table is loaded and ready for the final wrap. Looking forward seeing the joy that these beauties bring.

The final wrap... after a trip to the recycle centre and picking out some vintagey type books (ones you don't mind ripping the pages out of) take a few pages, tie with twine and clip a note on with a wooden clothes pin. There you have it a unique, easy, fun project to give to Mom, Sister, Aunt, or Friend. Enjoy!